Signed in as:
Signed in as:
NOTE: These files will be available after July 1, 2024. This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.
This notice applies to Lehigh Valley Planning Commission Plan Participants and their covered dependents who are eligible for Medicare, either because they are at least age 65 or because of a disability.
The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission intends to comply with the Open Records Act, Pennsylvania’s new Right-to-Know Law, Act 3 of 2008. A wide range of materials are available on the LVPC website ( or by request either in person, by phone, e-mail or fax. In the case that you have a specific request to be made under the Right-to-Know Law please submit the form to 615 Waterfront Drive, Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18102 or
Agency Open Record/Right-to-Know Officer (AORO): Tracy Oscavich, Director of Administration
Right-to-Know Alternate: Becky Bradley, Executive Director
A copy of the Right-to-Know request form is available below, at the LVPC reception desk or by request either by phone, e-mail or fax. The PA Office of Open Records contact information is:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Phone: 717-346-9903; Fax: 717-425-5343
Public bodies may fill anonymous verbal or written requests. If the requester wishes to pursue the relief and remedies provided for in this Act, the request must be in writing. (Section 702.) Written requests need not include an explanation why information is sought or the intended use of the information unless otherwise required by law. (Section 703.)
The LEHIGH VALLEY TRANSPORTATION STUDY (LVTS) (MPO) are committed to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, applicable to the programs and activities they administer. Accordingly, the MPO is dedicated to ensuring that program beneficiaries receive public participation opportunities without regard to race, color, or national origin. LVPC’s website,, may be translated into multiple languages. Publications and other public documents can be made available in non-English languages and alternative formats, if requested. The MPO will provide translation or interpretation services for individuals with language impediments provided the request for assistance is made four days prior to the meeting. The MPO will attempt to satisfy other requests, as it is able. Please make your request for auxiliary services to Hannah Milagio, Regional Planner for Community Engagement at 610-264-4544. If you believe you have been denied participation opportunities, or otherwise discriminated against in relation to the programs or activities administered by the MPO, you may file a complaint using the procedures provided in our complaint process document at or by contacting or 610-264-4544.
EL ESTUDIO DE TRANSPORTE DE VALLE DE LEHIGH (Organización Metropolitana de Planificación [MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization]) están comprometido con el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación del Título VI de la ley de derechos civiles, correspondientes a los programas y las actividades que administra. Por ende, la MPO se dedica a garantizar que los beneficiarios de un programa reciban oportunidades de participación pública sin tener en cuenta su raza, color, país de origen, sexo, edad, discapacidad o situación económica. El sitio de web de la Comisión de Planificación del Valley de Lehigh,, se puede traducirse en otras idiomas. Documentos públicos se pueden traducir en idiomas no-ingleses y formatos alternativos, si se solicita. La MPO brindará servicios de traducción y interpretación para personas con impedimentos lingüísticos siempre y cuando la solicitud de asistencia se haga cuatro días antes de la reunión. La MPO intentará responder a otras solicitudes, según sus posibilidades. Solicite servicios auxiliares llamando a Hannah Milagio, Planificadora regional de participación de comunidad, o al 610-264-4544. Si cree que le negaron oportunidades de participación o que lo discriminaron de otra manera en relación con los programas o las actividades que administra la MPO, puede presentar una queja siguiendo los procedimientos que figuran en nuestro documento de proceso de queja a o comunicándose con or 610-264-4544.
The LEHIGH VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION (LVPC) and the LEHIGH VALLEY TRANSPORTATION STUDY (LVTS) (MPO) is committed to compliance with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, executive orders, regulations and policies applicable to the programs and activities it administers. Accordingly, the MPO is dedicated to ensuring that program beneficiaries receive public participation opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, religious creed, sex, age, disability or economic status. LVPC’s website,, may be translated into multiple languages. Publications and other public documents can be made available in non-English languages and alternative formats, if requested. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities and the location is reachable by public transit. The MPO will provide auxiliary services for individuals with language, speech, sight or hearing impediments provided the request for assistance is made four days prior to the meeting. The MPO will attempt to satisfy other requests, as it is able. Please make your request for auxiliary services to Hannah Milagio, Regional Planner for Community Engagement at 610-264-4544. If you believe you have been denied participation opportunities, or otherwise discriminated against in relation to the programs or activities administered by the MPO, you may file a complaint using the procedures provided in our complaint process document at or by contacting or 610-264-4544.
El COMISIÓN DE PLANIFICACIÓN DEL VALLE DE LEHIGH y EL ESTUDIO DE TRANSPORTE DE VALLE DE LEHIGH (Organización Metropolitana de Planificación [MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization]) está comprometido con el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación de las leyes de derechos civiles, los decretos ejecutivos, los reglamentos y las políticas correspondientes a los programas y las actividades que administra. Por ende, la MPO se dedica a garantizar que los beneficiarios de un programa reciban oportunidades de participación pública sin tener en cuenta su raza, color, país de origen, sexo, edad, discapacidad o situación económica. El sitio de web de la Comisión de Planificación del Valley de Lehigh,, se puede traducirse en otras idiomas. Documentos públicos se pueden traducir en idiomas no-ingleses y formatos alternativos, si se solicita. Las instalaciones para reuniones son accesibles para las personas con discapacidades y se puede llegar a su ubicación usando el transporte público. La MPO brindará servicios auxiliares para personas con impedimentos lingüísticos o problemas de habla, vista o audición, siempre y cuando la solicitud de asistencia se haga cuatro días antes de la reunión. La MPO intentará responder a otras solicitudes, según sus posibilidades. Solicite servicios auxiliares llamando a Hannah Milagio, Planificadora regional de participación de comunidad, o al 610-264-4544. Si cree que le negaron oportunidades de participación o que lo discriminaron de otra manera en relación con los programas o las actividades que administra la MPO, puede presentar una queja siguiendo los procedimientos que figuran en nuestro documento de proceso de queja o comunicándose con or 610-264-4544.
Title VI, Nondiscrimination and ADA Compliance Coordinator: Hannah Milagio, Regional Planner for Community Engagement
Phone Number: 610-264-4544