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The Greater Lehigh Valley Greenhouse Gas Inventory is designed to measure the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and where they originate, so that a plan can be designed to reduce them. Reducing the carbon footprint will be particularly important in a region that be 2050 is projected to have 37 days a year with temperatures exceeding 90 degrees.
This report shows communitywide emissions by sector for Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Carbon County, PA and Warren County, NJ. The data shows why it is important to begin mitigation measures immediately.
Below is the Lehigh Valley's 2024 Priority Climate Action Plan, which is focused on reducing carbon emissions created by our transportation sector, and funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Read the plan at the link or in the Flipsnack below.
In 2014, the LVPC, in collaboration with Wildlands Conservancy, Keystone Conservation Trust, 4Ward Planning, and Econsult Solutions published the Lehigh Valley Return on Environment Study to help quantify the economic value of the region’s abundant natural features. These features, along with the opportunities provided by growth in the Region, are the foundation for a strong economy and high quality of life. A strong economy compared to environmental protection is not an “either/or” choice. This report explains why a strong economy requires plenty of connected, accessible open space and a healthy environment.
The Lehigh County Livable Landscapes plan was developed through collaboration between LVPC and Lehigh County with the intent of guiding future park, recreation, open space and agricultural land efforts within the County.
The focus of the plan is on environmentally-sensitive areas, farmland, trails, outdoor recreation, historic and cultural areas, economic benefits and the overall quality of life within Lehigh County. The plan was developed through a robust public engagement program and identifies goals, policies and recommended actions that will define the desired future of Lehigh County.
The LVPC, in collaboration with Northampton County, developed an open space plan to guide future conservation and outdoor recreation efforts within the County. The focus of the plan is on environmentally sensitive areas, farmland, trails, outdoor recreation, historic and cultural areas, economic benefits and the overall quality of life within Northampton County.
A vision for Northampton County's open space network defines the desired future of open space in the County. Further, the Northampton County 21st Century Open Space Guidelines were reviewed and updated as part of the plan. These guidelines provide information for applicants to obtain county funding to preserve natural areas and farmland and to acquire, develop or rehabilitate municipal parks.
The Plan contains revisions based upon the review comments received from the Monocacy Creek Watershed Advisory Committee and the affected municipalities. The plan was adopted by Lehigh County on December 20, 2017, Northampton County on January 4, 2018 and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on May 21, 2018.
The preparation of this report was funded by the City of Bethlehem through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
The Green Infrastructure Guidelines are important for reinforcing the message of the outstanding natural resources present in the Lehigh Valley and their wide variety of essential services and benefits to local residents and visitors, describing the best practices available for community and site design to preserve or enhance those resources, and defining improved stormwater management site design practices to better mimic natural systems.
Conservation subdivisions are residential developments in which a significant portion of the the overall acreage of a property is set aside as undivided, permanently protected open space, while houses are clustered on the remainder of the property.
The guide provides an introductory history of conservation subdivision design in the United States and in Pennsylvania, an examination of benefits and drawbacks of the approach, and an annotated model regulation and example worksheets for Lehigh Valley municipalities to use in writing their own regulations for conservation subdivision in their municipality.
The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission released updated model floodplain regulations in March 2014. The guide and model regulations was funded in part by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA DCNR) through the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. The model regulations were completed in advance of updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Northampton County communities that went into effect July 2014. The model regulations were written by the LVPC using the policies of the Regional Comprehensive Plan, the 2013 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, the updated 2012 Department of Community and Economic Development floodplain provisions and the 2013 National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System Coordinator’s Manual as guides.
The guide provides a detailed overview of the twenty-five (25) miles of the Appalachian Trail that runs along the crest of Blue Mountain through nine municipalities in the Lehigh Valley. Detailed mapping of natural features and property ownership on Blue Mountain, coupled with an analysis of threats to the Trail such as encroaching residential development and wind turbines is provided. The final chapters of the guide provide an extensive menu of regulatory approaches that municipalities could use to protect the Trail and the Blue Mountain environment.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more than half of all stream pollution comes from land runoff, which can contain pollutants such as sediment, oil, fertilizers and pesticides. Increasing the amount of pavement in a watershed, or even changing land use from forests to fields, can increase discharge to streams since both of these greatly reduce land permeability and soil storage. Streams in the Lehigh Valley are constantly under pressure from the combined effects of farming uses and the continued urbanization of the Lehigh Valley.
The steepest slopes in the Lehigh Valley are found along the Blue Mountain and South Mountain. There are sizable areas of steep slope along the hillsides of Weisenberg and Lowhill townships in Lehigh County and in townships beside the Lehigh and Delaware rivers. A notable characteristic of steep slope areas is that they are nearly all wooded; very few steep slopes are used for cropland or pastures due to their lack of suitability for agriculture. However, recently Lehigh Valley municipalities have seen an increased desire to build on steep slopes. The majority of the development proposed on steep slopes is residential in nature.
The Woodlands Guide is designed to give a brief overview of how a tree functions, the parts of the tree, how various activities may cause significant damage to trees and some of the issues related to the harvesting of trees. This model was designed to be used by municipalities to write and adopt their own ordinance for woodland protection.